At Terra Firma, we believe in the power of words - amplified by the beauty and energy of stones - to inspire intention and joy.


Picture of founder

I started Terra Firma because I couldn’t hear my own voice. 

I would wake up in the morning with a thought or an intention.  Be powerful at work.  Focus on my kids.  Enjoy the sunshine.  But by the end of the day, I had completely lost touch with that intention.  It was drowned out by the voices of everyone else around me.  My family.  My colleagues.  The random passersby on the street. 

I knew I needed something to refocus my energy and attention throughout the day, a glittering reminder of my own intentions.  And because I wasn’t ready for a tattoo…

I put the words on bracelets.  I wanted something beautiful, something precious, something substantial that I could wear on my wrist, that would catch my eye and remind me of exactly what I wanted to focus on that day – whether it was a goal or a feeling or the names of those I love.

And so, Terra Firma was born.  The crystals are all-natural precious and semi-precious stone.  The words and numbers are Czech glass (made by a beautiful combination of artisans and machines).  Each piece comes with a signature bead of 14k gold fill.  Every order is handcrafted with heart in New York City and made from top materials, commensurate to the words we want to express.

Terra Firma means solid ground – a rock-solid, crystal-gorgeous place from which to start.  It is my hope that these bracelets ground you in your own voice, and that the beauty and energy of the stones – themselves pulled from the solid ground of the earth – catch your attention throughout the day and bring you back to yourself, and bring you joy.


Kerry, Founder